If you’re experiencing tooth pain that lingers, extreme sensitivity to your teeth, or a small pimple-like bump on your gums (near a source of pain), there’s a good chance you might require root canal treatment. To put it simply, root canal treatment is necessary when the inside of one or more of your teeth has been undermined by infection or inflammation. By cleaning it out, your dentist can successfully save your tooth and prevent further damage. Ultimately, this eliminates the need to replace the tooth.
How does the procedure work?
When anyone has a tooth that’s been undermined by infection or inflammation, the need for root canal treatment arises. When this happens, your dentist needs to get inside your tooth. First, your dentist numbs the area. Next, a tiny hole is drilled into the top of your tooth. This allows access into your tooth, and the pulp chamber. Next, the infected material is removed with a specialized tool and the inside of your tooth is disinfected.
What happens after the root canal procedure?
After your tooth has been cleaned out and disinfected, you might experience some sensitivity for a small amount of time. This can usually be relieved by taking over-the-counter medication or an anti-inflammatory. Your dentist will instruct you to avoid putting direct pressure on the affected tooth until you’ve re-visited the dentist to get a permanent filling. After your permanent filling has been placed (usually a few days after your root canal treatment) you can typically go back to using your tooth as usual.
Sometimes, you might need a crown.Depending on how damaged your tooth was, there might be a chance that you need a crown to encapsulate the affected tooth and provide protection. This is something your dentist will be sure to bring to your attention before treatment ever begins.
How to prevent the need for future root canal procedures
While a root canal doesn’t hurt, it’s still a procedure that most dental patients would rather not have to go through. That said, you probably want to make sure you can take the proper steps to avoid needing a root canal. The first step is to make sure your teeth stay decay-free by flossing and brushing every day, ideally after every meal. On top of this, make sure you eat a balanced diet that’s low in sugar, while avoiding acidic foods and beverages. At the very least, if you do eat foods or drink beverages high in acid, make sure you thoroughly rinse your mouth and brush. Don’t let acids sit on your teeth for too long.
Have questions about root canal treatment? The experts at My Downey Family Dentist know all of the answers. Visit them today for the answers you need to keep your teeth healthy and long lasting.