Weight loss is a serious problem faced by many obese persons. As they are ready to do anything and spend good amount of money, many small companies have come up advertizing that they have wonderful remedy for weight loss. But none of them have proved to be beneficial in containing the problem. In this background the medical weight loss diet plan has been launched in America and tens of thousands of obese persons have been benefited from this program.
All you need to know about weight loss
Weight loss is not a fast process. So people who start weight loss programs may lose interest after a few weeks or months as they will not be able to experience any appreciable difference during the above period. But if you are following the advanced medical weight loss plan, you may not lose interest thinking that it is a scientific program.
When you enter a medical weight loss clinic, you will be meeting the receptionist first where your name address and other details are recorded. After that some routine tests like blood test, ECG pressure test etc are conducted. Body mass index is calculated. After that your doctor will discuss with you and explain you about the set of programs he is going to select for your requirement. You can select the program which you consider as most suitable for your needs. It may include low calorie diet, exercise programs, or both. If your doctor thinks that these preliminary medications will not be useful in your case they may also suggest bariatric surgery which a very complicated and tedious process.
Diet plan for weight loss
When you are in a medical weight loss diet plan you get individual attention. One doctor will be treating you throughout the program. In other centers multiple patients are attended by different doctors at the same time and as such no individual attention will be getting. In medical weight loss centers your progress is monitored regularly and any weakness or lapses are notice at once and necessary modifications are made, wherever necessary. In a medical weight loss diet plan clinic you usually lose water weight, fat weight and you also build some muscle mass. In other centers you may be losing weight continuously and due to building up of muscle mass this may not be felt initially and this may lead to disappointment. But in a medical weight loss clinic this will not get misrepresented as there is always one doctor to watch whatever is happening there.
People often start dieting with unrealistic expectations. If you unrealistically hope to lose some amount of weight during a specific period and if the result does not tally with your expectation, you may lose interest. You will love to continue your relation with the advanced medical weight loss center even after attaining your goal as you will want to maintain it with proper follow up.
But there are some side effects also for this program. Major side effect suspected by its critics is that this scheme can lead to the development of heart attacks in the persons who are practicing it.