Whats the big deal about whatsapp status quotes? Why are they so popular? How can you make your own?

WhatsApp Status Quotes makes life very fun and exciting. How many times do you wish you could save time by posting a funny quote or status without wasting time. Well WhatsApp status quotes make life easy and exciting. From topics like Funny, Love, English, Hindi, to Motivational and Lonely, whatsapp status really help take you and your circle of friends or family to fun and emotional places. One of the latest whatsapp status topics that I came up with is for Pets. Why should animals be left out of all the whatsapp status fun to be had? The cool thing about whatsapp status quotes is that it's fun to try and make up your own quotes. To some people it comes naturally, and to others you have to work at it. Try it out! It can be a lot of fun and rewarding.

First you have to pick a topic like for example flowers. Now lets try to come up with a quote about flowers that can be used in a whatsapp status. Try to think about something relating to flowers. Flowers are beautiful, so that's a start. Then try to think of something clever to mix with those thoughts. Also try to think of something that people will want to text to their friends in whatsapp. How about "Flowers don't need words, because their beauty says everything." Ok, that is nice. Maybe a little corny? Well that's ok, corny can be good. But the main thing is, now you have created a new whatsapp status quote about flowers. It has its category and people can use it because of its simplicity. So with this example you can imagine all of the possibilities. There can be new whatsapp status quotes based on any and everything you can think of. Cars, animals, romance, dating, food, struggle, giving, passion, skydiving, sailing, teaching, laughing, any topic will work! Honestly, people like to send quotes and status updates about everything, and that is the joy and fun in creating whatsapp status quotes. I challenge you to try it yourself. It's a lot of fun. Over time you will see hundreds of status quotes out there online, and its a great thing to read what others are coming up with themselves. It's quite simple, WhatsApp status quotes are great to send, read and create!

Click here for the most popular whatsapp status quotes.

Click here for the best whtasapp status quotes for love, funny, and Hindi

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